Five Tips for Sun Safety for Your Myrtle Beach Vacation

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Between the beach, attractions, golf, dining, shopping and all the great things the Grand Strand has to offer, it’s almost impossible to have a bad time. But the easiest way to ruin your Myrtle Beach fun is by forgetting one simple product –sunscreen.

It may seem odd that the white, sticky stuff can make or break your beach getaway, but it happens all the time to the pasty and unprepared. In their haste to get a “base tan” to kickoff their week in the sun, they get a bad case of sunburn and a shady seat back at the resort for the rest of their vacation. Not exactly the way you want to spend your vacation in Myrtle Beach.

But it doesn’t have to be that way if you follow these simple rules regarding sun safety and sunscreen use. By taking a few seconds to coat your skin and regulate your exposure to the sun you can spend the entire week soaking up some rays from the sun and go home looking and feeling great without the uncomfortable sensation of sunburn:

  • Limit the amount of time you and your family spend in the summer sun by taking midday breaks to cool off in some shade. The sun can be misleading at the beach, where the cool ocean breeze and surf can trick you into thinking you are not getting burned. Also, the sun is closer and stronger during the summer months, and being in and around the water, whether it’s the ocean or the hotel pool, reflects and intensifies the more harmful rays.
  • Remembering to bring sunscreen to the beach is even more critical if you are joined by kids. Children have skin that is a lot more sensitive than adults, so they burn more easily and require maximum protection. Experts recommend using a minimum of 30 SPF for adults and 50 SPF for children, and people with lighter skin tomes that burn more easily should go even higher.
  • Many sunscreens claim to be waterproof but not even the highest quality can withstand a full day of splashing in the waves and water. Although waterproof brands do tend to stick to the skin longer, it’s important to reapply evenly and hourly. Keep in mind that sunscreen doesn’t have the same hold if you or your kids are wet from the pool or perspiration. Dry off well before applying.
  • Nothing’s more frustrating than “almost” doing a good job of using sunscreen. You get all those easy to reach spots like your arms, chest and shoulders, but miss a few spots on the back of your neck, legs and back. Common miscues include the neck, ears and tops of feet. It’s important to be thorough or run the risk of looking like a candy cane.
  • Taking care of your face can require a little extra TLC, or in this case, SPF. Invest in a tube of Bullfrog, which works like Chapstick for your face. Simply smear some liberally on your ears, nose, lips, cheeks and forehead for extra protection. There’s a good reason you will spot lifeguards using this protection in a tube; it works.
  • How well you treat your skin after a day at the beach is almost as important as what you do on the beach. After taking a shower, use an aloe vera-based lotion to both soothe any hot spots and to moisturize your dehydrated skin. This is especially critical during multiple days at the beach, which can dry out your skin and lead to peeling.


(Posted: 5/12/15)